Lorem Ipsum text is widely adopted as a text placeholder for any text area where you need to put dummy text. In PowerPoint, you can also add Lorem Ipsum in your slides when you don’t know what to put as content. While you can use a Lorem Ipsum generator like this free lorem ipsum generator tool, there is an easier way to add Lorem Ipsum text to PowerPoint or dummy text to your slides.
The hint is to use a built-in PowerPoint function that automatically adds Lorem Ipsum paragraphs to your slides.
You need to open PowerPoint and write =lorem(N), where N is the number of paragraphs that you want to add to your slide as a content placeholder automatically.
After you hit the Enter key, the new paragraphs with Lorem Ipsum text will be added to your slide. It works in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 & Office 365.
You can see the following slide image with the Lorem Ipsum text.
You can see the following slide image with the Lorem Ipsum text.
You can also use the =rand() function to add random text to your slide. These kinds of tips and tricks for PowerPoint might be helpful, for example, if you are building a PowerPoint presentation for your organization but don’t know in advance what text or copy to embed into the slide.
Great, for example, if you are in charge of the company PowerPoint templates and need to create a PPT template or PPTX template for your organization where the text and final version will be made in a later stage.